Rattle toy

Hanging Rattle
    Plastic rattle toy, 48 cm long, intended to be hung across a cradle, a cot or a stroller. The product is composed of three bears and six balls. At both ends, there are plastic white handles for fixing the toy.
    Type / model number: 
    Made in: 

    The toy has protruding parts (handles). A child could put these into the mouth, which could block the airways and cause choking. The product does not comply with the requirements of the Toy Safety Directive nor with the European standard EN 71-1.


    Compulsory measure: Importer > Withdrawal of the product from the market
    Starting date: 30/12/2022
    Compulsory measure: Importer > Warning consumers of the risks
    Starting date: 30/12/2022

    Alert report: