Compressed air breather

MSA M1 Pressluftatmer SCBA
The product is a modular respiratory protection system which can be reconfigured or upgraded with various options. The M1 compressed air breathing apparatus can be customised using the building block principle, and can be configured for a wide range of fire-fighting tasks. Product sold online.
Type / model number: 

The pressure line can come loose from the pressure reducer which results in a complete cut off of the breathing air supply and the suffocation of the user. The product does not comply with Regulation on Personal Protective Equipment.


Voluntary measure: Manufacturer > Preparation of technical measure with the user. An administrative measure may be pending.
Starting date: 24/03/2023
Voluntary measure: Other > Temporary decommissioning
until brought into conformity by the manufacturer.
Starting date: 22/03/2023

Alert report: