Tattoo ink

DLD Permanent tattoo
Tattoo ink, black liquid. Product was also sold online, in particular via Amazon.
Batch number: 
Made in: 

The product contains excessive amounts of naphthalene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and lead (measured values: 1.08 mg/kg, 0.6 mg/kg and 1.8mg/kg, respectively). Naphthalene is suspected of causing cancer. PAHs may cause cancer and are also mutagenic and toxic for reproduction. Lead is harmful to human health, accumulates in the body, and may affect breast-fed or unborn children. The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation nor with the Cosmetic Products Regulation.


Voluntary measure: Other > Removal of this product listing by the online marketplace
Starting date: 23/01/2023

Alert report: