Baby self-feeding pillow

Product name n/a
The product is a pink coloured soft pillow that can detach in the centre for placing around an infant's neck, a net mesh bottle holder is in place at one end of the product for the purpose of holding a bottle in place hands free. Product sold online, in particular via Cdiscount.
Made in: 

The pillow is placed around the baby’s neck, the bottle is held in position by a piece of elastic or a pouch and the baby is positioned on its back to feed itself without the assistance of a caregiver holding the bottle and controlling the feed.In this situation, the baby will not be able to control the flow of milk and the milk will continue to flow even if the baby is not swallowing. This can lead to choking. Choking can be silent and a baby will not have the dexterity or cognitive behaviour to otherwise raise the alarm. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive.


Voluntary measure: Distributor > Ban on the marketing of the product and any accompanying measures
Starting date: 06/03/2023

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