Baby sleep bags

Product name n/a
Baby sleep bags, size: 50-65 cm /65-80 cm. Product sold online.
Type / model number: 
1152536 and 1152537: Grey penguin and grey seal
1153830 and 1153829: Pink safari and light brown safari
1157492 and 1157491: pink hearts and brown bears
1159603 and 1157491: grey cars
grey shooting stars
green elephant and white elephant
1164661 and 1164660: beige dotted and pink dotted
1164663 and 1164619: pink rainbows and green dinosaurs
Made in: 

The neck opening is too large in relation to the child height/age. This can increase the risk of the baby to slip inside the sleep bag which could cover mouth and nose and cause suffocation. The product does not comply with the requirements of the General Product Safety Directive nor with the European standard EN 16781.


Voluntary measure: Manufacturer > Recall of the product from end users
Starting date: 14/08/2023

Alert report: