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Error message

  • Warning: Creating default object from empty value in barcode_generate_image() (line 79 of /home/test/public_html/sites/
  • An error occured while generating the barcode.

Bath and shower cream

Bagno doccia crema
Bath and shower cream.
Type / model number: 
Batch number: 
Made in: 

According to the list of ingredients the product contains 2-(4-tert- butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde (BMHCA), which is forbidden in cosmetic products. BMHCA may harm the reproductive system, may harm the health of the unborn child and may cause skin sensitisation. The product does not comply with the Cosmetic Products Regulation.


Compulsory measure: Distributor > Ban on the marketing of the product and any accompanying measures
Starting date: 01/03/2023

Alert report: