Rain boots

PVC Dam Man Regnskor Skydd Vattentätt Halkbeständigt Regn Höga Boots Flats
PVC rain boots. The product was sold online.
Type / model number: 

The product has an excessive concentration of cadmium, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) (measured values: 0.038%, 16% and 29% by weight, respectively). Cadmium is harmful to human health because it accumulates in the body, can damage the kidneys and bones, and it may cause cancer. These phthalates may harm the health by possibly causing damage to the reproductive system. The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.


Voluntary measure: Distributor > Import rejected at border
Starting date: 03/11/2022

Alert report: